Dog Ear Wipes
How and Why to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

Floppy, pointed, tiny, or enormous, dog ears come in a bunch of shapes and sizes. If you want to make sure your dog stays healthy, don’t overlook cleaning their ears. Having dirty ears can lead to serious health problems for dogs and expensive vet bills, too!

To maintain your dog’s health and wellbeing, it’s important to take care of their ears too. Maybe you’ve taken a look at your pup’s ears and wondered how it is possible to keep them clean. It’s one of those things we canines cannot do for ourselves.

The solution is dog ear wipes. They are convenient, easy-to-use, and designed to keep a dog’s ears healthy and clean.

What are Dog Canal Ear Wipes?

Pawer dog ear canal wipes are specialized wipes designed just for cleaning a dog’s ears. They help dog parents and groomers gently remove wax, dirt, or discharge from the pup’s ears. Keeping our ears clean is important for helping prevent infections and other ear-related problems.

Our eco-friendly ear canal wipes are designed by dogs, specifically for dog ears only. They help humans easily clean a canine’s ears while preventing irritation.

How Often Should You Clean a Dog’s Ears?

The frequency of cleaning dog’s ears depends a bit on their activity levels. Dogs like me who love to roll around and play outdoors a lot may need their ears cleaned more often than indoor dogs or smaller breeds. In general, it should be done every week or two. It can simply be a part of your dog’s bathing and grooming routine.

Dog parents should pay close attention to their dog’s ears. If you notice that the pup’s ears are creating more wax than usual or that they have an unpleasant odor, they may need cleaning more often. Dogs like me who love to get dirty and run through the bushes may need more frequent ear cleaning to prevent ear infections.

Signs A Dog’s Ears Need Cleaning

It is important to know when to clean your dog’s ears, but it’s also important to know when to seek the help of a veterinarian. If your dog’s ears are already inflamed or infected, cleaning them can make them worse. Talk to your vet about diagnosis ear infections and the appropriate treatment if you notice signs of infection. Some of the most common signs your dog has an ear infection include:

·Redness in the ear canal

·Unpleasant odor


·Excessive discharge (may be dark brown,
yellow-green, or bloody)

·Your dog keeps scratching their face or ears

·Head shaking

·Pain on contact

Checking a dog’s ears weekly for any signs of inflammation or infection helps catch problems early on. Here are a few signs that it’s time to clean your dog’s ears:

·Visible residue inside their ears

·Odor coming from the ears

·Head shaking

·Scratching at their ears

If your dog exhibits one or more of these four signs, and you are sure they don’t have swelling or infection in their ears, it’s time to clean them out.

Why do dog ears smell sometimes?

Just like humans, we dogs produce ear wax and other gunk. These can build up over time and cause a foul odor. If left unchecked, the buildup can lead to an ear infection. Stuff can accumulate in a dog’s ears, like dirt, parasites, or debris, which can cause more problems. Dogs with floppy ears are even more susceptible to ear problems and may need their ears cleaned more often.

4 Great Reasons to Use Dog Canal Ear Wipes

Keeping a dog’s ears clean is important to their overall health and wellbeing. Using dog ear wipes offers several benefits. Here are our top four reasons to incorporate the use of dog ear wipes into their grooming routine.

1. Help Prevent Ear Infections. Using ear wipes to gently wipe the outer region of the ear helps remove built up wax and dirt. Use a fresh wipe to clean the inner parts of the ear, following the direction that the hair grows.

2. Remove Debris and Dirt. A gentle swipe of the visible part of the dog’s ear helps remove dirt and debris. Be careful not to insert the wipe too deeply. Use a fresh wipe for each ear.

3. Reduce Ear Odor. Gently wiping the inner flap and crevices of the ear while avoiding the ear canal helps reduce ear odor in dogs. After cleaning, make sure the ear is totally dry to prevent moisture buildup, which often causes odor. Extra Tip: Along with regular cleaning, a healthy diet can be helpful for reducing ear odor for dogs.

4. Easy to Use. Our engineers worked diligently to make sure our dog ear wipes are easy for humans to use.

About the Author: Hazel

Hazel is the head engineer at Pawer Lab where he works to develop and test our pup-focused products. He enjoys the simple things in life and a good walk in the park. When Hazel isn’t working, he enjoys fetching tennis balls, riding in the car, and stalking delivery professionals.

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